TOC-TOC Card Game

Develop your Theory of Change in a playful way


How role-play drives better impact

Collaborate to build a clear and effective roadmap to impact

The TOC-TOC CARD GAME is an innovative tool designed to help entrepreneurship support organizations (ESOs) facilitate the creation of a robust Theory of Change (ToC) for early-stage impact enterprises. A Theory of Change is a comprehensive framework that outlines how an organization intends to achieve its impact. It maps the path from activities to outcomes and identifies the necessary inputs, assumptions, and stakeholders involved.

Through TOC-TOC, the players engage in a fun and collaborative play and take on different roles and perspectives. This interactive experience not only facilitates the sharing of ideas but also guides the players in building a clear and effective roadmap to impact. As a result, an impact enterprise gets aligned with its organizational goals at every step.

Key benefits

- Interactive, collaborative and actionable learning

- Real-world stakeholder perspectives

- Structured templates for creating a Theory of Change

- Fun and innovative way to develop and improve a TOC

Game details

Character cards

Understand and engage with the perspectives of different stakeholders.

Questions and rules cards

Engage with strategic questions that challenge how you think about your business and its impact. 

Worksheet templates

Use our tools for developing your Impact Model, Statement, and Theory of Change.

Game-play rounds

Round 1 – Problem and Solution: Helps the impact enterprises explore and refine the scope of the problems they are solving and their solutions.

Round 2 - Impact Model and Statement: This round and set of questions will help the impact enterprises articulate their impact model.

Round 3 – Theory of Change: Helps the impact enterprises develop a comprehensive roadmap with clearly laid out steps and assumptions to guide their impact strategy and decision-making.


“It was fun to discuss from the donor, investor and customer standpoints and argue how Fashol can make a positive contribution to the agricultural supply chain. It also made us aware of the importance of gender inclusion.”

– Ashraful Rokon, FASHOL

“The TOC-TOC Card Game taught us to think from different perspectives and solve problems, helping us see important aspects of our company’s impact.”

– MD. Shamiul Islam Shopnil, Relaxy Limited

“The card game helped us better understand outcomes (versus outputs in our theory of change) and highlighted the importance of considering different stakeholders’ perspectives in formulating our problem and solution.”

– Mohammad Ali, BIT

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the TOC-TOC Card Game?

A facilitation tool designed to help social enterprises develop a Theory of Change through role-playing and strategic questioning.

Who can benefit from this game?

Impact enterprises who want to start their Impact Measurement & Management journey to later access Impact-Linked Finance or impact investment.

Can I buy the TOC-TOC Card Game?

Yes, you can! Currently, the game is only available for institutional users such as entrepreneurship support organizations (ESOs) and development project managers. If you want to know more, please contact us by email at The TOC-TOC Card Game is currently in use in specific programs such as B-Briddhi.
