Get inspired with these great impact toolkits
Get inspired with these great impact toolkits
October 19, 2022
Discover two great toolkits on Impact Measurement & Management (IMM) and Innovative Finance (IF)
In partnership with the Biniyog Briddhi („B-Briddhi“) project, the Social Finance Academy and Roots of Impact have contributed their expertise in IMM and IF and helped develop two state-of-the-art toolkits that are specifically targeted at impact entrepreneurs and their main challenges. Of course, these toolkits can also great resources for investors, public and philanthropic funders and other stakeholders, who engage with impact enterprises and want to support them to scale and thrive. Check them out to get inspired and strengthen your skills!
The Impact Measurement & Management Toolkit
Impact is the key factor that distinguishes impact enterprises from any other form of business. So what does “impact” really mean? How can it be captured, given that it is not included in market prices today? THE IMPACT MEASUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT TOOLKIT developed with B-Briddhi helps impact entrepreneurs and their advisors, trainers and supporters to understand that impact management is something that everyone can do with the right mindset and a little guidance. It is a question of truly listening to and understanding stakeholders’ needs and taking the right actions to address them. This toolkit outlines step-by-step how to plan, implement, and measure activities and their effects, so that impact is maximized for the benefit of all stakeholders in the ecosystem. Impact measurement and management (IMM) made easy! Important to add for gender lens fans: This IMM toolkit also includes a gender impact chapter. The entire page with additional resources is available on the B-Briddhi website.
The Innovative Finance Toolkit
We need to redefine the terms of investments to better fit the unique attributes of impact enterprises — whether it be more patient capital, unconventional and more flexible repayment options, or monetary rewards for impact. This toolkit highlights some of the alternative structures that can be used to support impact enterprises on their journey to create much-needed impact at scale. While created in the context of the Bangladeshi impact ecosystem, THE INNOVATIVE FINANCE TOOLKIT offers universal wisdom and ideas for impact enterprises and their funders and supporters across the globe. Download the entire toolkit or select individual instruments here – you’ll also find some case studies and additional resources.
Curious? Dive into our toolkits now or check out our other blogposts on IMM and Impact Finance!