Check Tools & Resources

Track your progress and get targeted resources


What we offer to guide you on your impact journey

Check how well your understand your own readiness and the expectations of your future investors

Everyone has blind spots and nobody’s perfect. But if you would like to have a quick orientation where exactly you are on your journey and what it will take to move ahead successfully, our CHECK TOOLS can certainly help. They come in two levels of difficulty: BASIC and ADVANCED.

Use the tools repeatedly to track your progress. There is no such thing as a perfect score and it is rather unlikely to achieve a 100% result in every category. Also, in order to successfully attract investors, you don’t necessarily need to have the perfect score. On the basic level, go for our (1) INVESTMENT READINESS CHECK, followed by the (2) SIGNING READINESS CHECK. They map out the entire journey from preparation until signing a financing contract. The (3) MARKET READINESS CHECK hints you to what comes after you have investors aboard. Use these checks as an exercise for yourself – an X-ray of your enterprise’s fitness to master the external financing marathon. On an advanced level, we dive way deeper: (4) Our INVESTMENT READINESS ROADMAP is a full-scale analysis and provides a multitude of targeted resources to get prepared. We offer the roadmap check for free as a demo version below. The entire roadmap with all recommendations and resources will become available as a registration-only tool.

Investment Readiness Check (basic)

This first check tool brings your attention to 5 basic categories of your entrepreneurial fitness: (1) the social problem, (2) the solution & impact, (3) market & distribution, (4) growth & scaling, and (5) financing & forecast. Are you able to ATTRACT – and equally important – USE impact investment for your enterprise? INVESTMENT READINESS may be a bit of a vague term in your mind, but don’t worry: we will make it much more tangible for you -> GET STARTED FOR FREE

Signing Readiness Check (basic)

Market Readiness Check (basic)

Investment Readiness Roadmap (advanced)

The INVESTMENT READINESS ROADMAP consists of 40 questions in the same 5 investment readiness categories – but it goes WAY deeper. Again, the idea is to help you discover blind spots you may not even know about. As a FREE resource, we share the in-depth survey and spider web analysis for you to download. For our paid programs, there is a full-scale roadmap version with targeted recommendations and resources available  -> TRY OUT THE FREE DEMO
